There are more kids working remotely and you may need flooring for home schooling. Think about the additional foot traffic when your kids are home all day! Furthermore, think about how many adults are staying home with them and working remotely! That’s a lot more wear and tear on your floors.
Think about the wear on your stairs, kitchen and bathrooms. High traffic areas and trips to the refrigerator can literally ruin your floors. In addition, carving out a comfortable area for everyone to work remotely can be a challenge. Perhaps you have carved out a corner in the basement. Are the floors cold? A durable and beautiful carpet with quality padding can offer comfort and warmth in that space.
Luxury Vinyl Flooring brings beauty and unparalleled durability to your home. The high traffic areas will remain beautiful for years and years!
Our Back2School Sale is going on through the end of September. Please visit our showroom and see for yourself which items are on sale. We have so many options, which best suit your needs. And you don’t need to have a student at home to take advantage of this sale!
During this pandemic, everyone wants to limit their time in public. So we made it so you can apply for financing by clicking the link below. That way, when you visit our showroom, you already have your financing limits in place. And the same applies if you need us to come to you with samples. Please click on the Synergy logo below to apply for financing.
When it comes time for installation, we use OUR installers, who are experienced, insured and treat your home with the respect it deserves. Our sales Representatives will walk you through the entire process and ensure you get the flooring you have been waiting for!
We look forward to seeing you!