Happy Fourth of July and God Bless America. From our Family to yours, we want you to know we appreciate your business and we appreciate our Country! Too often we forget about how blessed we are to be a part of such a beautiful nation. The United States of America.
Yes. We have issues. We are letting ourselves be divided instead of united. The Press is selling fear, the Politicians are pandering to special needs. We are flawed. And we are diverse. But that diversity is what makes us so wonderful.
We are in peoples homes almost every day and we see so many wonderful cultures and people. These valued Clients have stories of their travels and Family history, which always fascinate us. And we are humbled that they choose us to create a home environment, which reflects their ways of life.
It is an honor to be chosen to install new flooring in your home. It truly is. And when tasked with it, we can advise you on the best applications to suit your need and your Family traditions!
We are a strong Country, filled with strong communities. We can’t let people walk all over us. But if they did, our floors can handle the traffic! See what we did there?! But seriously, You hire us because you take pride in your home. Let’s make sure that pride carries over to be proud of our Country. We take for granted that we can complain or voice our opinion in many forums without fear of repercussion. Many Countries do not allow that freedom!
So while you are out enjoying a BBQ and watching fireworks, please remember to reflect on what sacrifices our Founding Fathers made to build this Country. Remember the Soldiers who fight to protect those freedoms every day and remember that its OK to say “God Bless America”!
Happy Fourth of July!
Celebrate your freedom with “Freedom from Interest” when you are approved for financing. Click the link below to be pre-approved.
When it comes time for installation, we use OUR installers, who are experienced, insured and treat your home with the respect it deserves. Our sales Representatives will walk you through the entire process and ensure your desires are heard and your needs are met!
We look forward to meeting you!